Humanocracy for the Enterprise
In a world of unrelenting change and unprecedented challenges, the biggest risk to sustained success is a bureaucracy-infested management model that undermines resilience, stifles creativity and saps initiative. You’ve already re-engineered your business model for efficiency, speed and responsiveness. Now it’s time to retool your management model for adaptability, innovation, engagement. We can help.
Our CrowdLab methodology, which runs on an exclusive collaborative platform, allows organizations to dismantle bureaucracy, build next generation capabilities, and accelerate the pace of organizational change and renewal—all in a fraction of the time, and at a fraction of the cost, of traditional change programs.
Built to support company-wide “management hackathons,” CrowdLab overcomes many of the limitations of traditional “change management,” such as long lag times between sense and respond, a lack of creativity and nuance in centrally-devised approaches, limited buy-in and unforeseen implementation risks.
Crowdlab engages the entire organization in a creative quest to the management model around new, post-bureaucratic principles such as ownership, meritocracy, experimentation, markets, openness, community and paradox.
To this end, the platform artfully blends a variety of proprietary content—video lectures, surveys, diagnostics, templates, tools, dashboards, etc.—which encourage breakout thinking and the discovery of high impact solutions. It is the combination of a custom-built collaborative platform and deep, research-based content that makes CrowdLab a unique powerful solution for accelerated organizational change.
To learn more about deploying CrowdLab in your organization, email us at